Welcome to your new Wealth Guru

We at Cooper and Cooper will guide you through the maze of "Noise" of property investment, asset management and strategies.

The best place to start is "At the Beginning " and we will hold your hand through the whole learning process.

Step 1 is so simple, just go to our website at;
www.cooperandcooper.com.au and subscribe to our free newsletter.

Once you have made contact with us, we can start you on your
journey to the life you have always dreamed of.

We look forward to talking to you soon.

Kind Regards,

Graham Cooper

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Job Opportunity


Grow your Business     Expand your opportunities         Increase your client base

We have a constant source of inquiry and seek several additional planner's in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide to provide for the overwhelming demand for sound independent financial advice including SMSF.

 We are seeking quality Financial Planner's to support these new initiatives and National expansion in the next two years. You should be at a minimum RG 146 Compliant, demonstrate a level of competency in Risk, SMSF, retirement planning and wealth building. We can offer a credible solution for the demand by SMSF for direct property investment.


Basic monthly fees will range subject  to the nominated services required and PI cover.

Please send your CV in the first instance to Phil Alexander,  phil@morrisoncarr.com.au  including  a brief covering letter setting out your requirements, aspirations and objectives for the next five years.

Kind Regards,

Graham Cooper
Director, Senior Property Analyst
Licensed Real Estate Agent (UWS)
Maxi Wealth Pty Ltd

In Association with

Morrison Carr and

COOPER & COOPER – Investment Property Solutions


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