Welcome to your new Wealth Guru

We at Cooper and Cooper will guide you through the maze of "Noise" of property investment, asset management and strategies.

The best place to start is "At the Beginning " and we will hold your hand through the whole learning process.

Step 1 is so simple, just go to our website at;
www.cooperandcooper.com.au and subscribe to our free newsletter.

Once you have made contact with us, we can start you on your
journey to the life you have always dreamed of.

We look forward to talking to you soon.

Kind Regards,

Graham Cooper

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hot Birds.2

Hi There Folks,

Well, we are back again, or I should say "They are" those Hot Birds.

It is Friday afternoon at approx. 3 pm EDST on the 03/03/11 in Sydney

Here you will see our Hot Birds sun bathing again, we took this video from different angle, looking down from a window behind the sun lounge.

Please enjoy these wonderful antics from our Hot Birds series.

Click here > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9EO7Wdsf-A

Kind Regards,

Graham Cooper
on behalf of Cooper & Cooper Investment Property Solutions for all your
property needs.

please visit us for your FREE newsletter subscription at;

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Money for Nothing and "Tips for FREE"

Money for Nothing and "Tips for FREE"

Well, that's my take on it anyway.

Over the past 30 years it never ceases to amaze us that so many people have
the attitude that "SHE'LL BE RIGHT MATE"
or that they are entitled to "Something for Nothing", sadly life does not
guarantee anything.

It is with this in mind that we want you to know that you may not be able to
get something for nothing.but
You can get something for very little effort on your part.

Yes, this is not a misprint, you did not read it incorrectly, it is true.

Is there a catch?, NO not if you are genuinely interested in making a
better life for yourself.

Is there any charge for our advice? NO

IF you are tired of the following; * Working the 40 year slog, * Working 5 days of every 7 each week, * Paying up to 50% of your weekly wage to the Government each week
(the more you earn, the more TAX you pay)
* Waking up at the same time every day and going to work whether you
feel sick or not.
* Working for either a Boss or the Tax Man who are making more money
that you are.

You Deserve Better, You Owe it to Yourself, You just need some help and

Where do you get it?

Just go here; www.cooperandcooper.com.au
and subscribe to our free Newsletter,

That is the beginning, that is the first Step to a life that YOU deserve.

Kind Regards,

Graham Cooper
Principal, Senior Property Analyst
Licensed Real Estate Agent (UWS) COOPER & COOPER - Investment Property Solutions

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